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Life Lately

It has been a while since I have been on here. Life has definitely been busy!

Over the past few months, business and training has been good. This past week we just finished up UNAA World Finals. It was great and yet I think I still have a lot of improvements to make.

I ended up breaking an obstacle on my course and not getting a couple of points that I was supposed to get but that happens. You can appeal it but if it doesn't put you in Top 15 then it isn't worth the $50.

I left Anaheim a really proud coach though. I had three athletes qualify for World Finals and all three of them did great! This was our best season yet and I cannot wait for next season.

Next year will be better. My training did suffer a bit because I have been tired ALL the time. That's an excuse though and I just need to dig into my discipline and get to work for next season and possibly Season 17 of ANW.

Today I sent in my submission video for American Ninja Warrior, and I am really hoping they pick me this year.

It's hard because the story that makes you who you are is the same story that makes you cry every time.

It's hard because I want my dad to be here so bad for this and yet I know he is still watching but it isn't the same.

All the things I put on the video are accurate so I am hoping that people will see it and maybe see something in themselves from that.

Now, I just cross my fingers and wait.

As for life, that has been crazy busy. Between my day job and the gym, I stay pretty busy.

We are in the process of being in between leagues and I am also in the process of trying to figure out what all I need to do in order to have the things I want in my life.

I know that people say that it takes a year to make a profit on your business and I honestly do believe that is the case.

I also don't want to wait six months to get pregnant. That is something that has been heavily on mind.

I am ready for that next step in my life and I am ready to be a mom.

Now, whether or not that starts happening is a completely different story. I am hoping by this time next year, I either am or have already had one.

For me, this year has been one of learning. A lot of learning.

6 more months to continue to learn more about everything.

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